European youth reflecting about the green future of Europe.

CERV ID number: 101053441

The main objective of «GREENUP: European youth reflecting about the green future of Europe» project is to promote debate and youth reflection on the future of Europe and in this sense, on the potential way out of the crisis that the commitment to the European Green Deal represents. GREENUP will work for the participation and involvement of young people, who are being the group most affected by the economic and social crisis caused by COVID19 and also, it is the generation that must reflect on the Europe in which they themselves want to live in the future. In this line, GREENUP is a network of 8 European cities that will work for the sensitization of young people about the European Green Deal in response to the crisis caused by the pandemic and what is their role and that of local communities in the ecological transition and in achieving the sustainable development goals of the 2030 Agenda.

During said 24 months, the different participating entities will organize 8 international meetings where young people from different realities will reflect and debate on different aspects related to the exit from the crisis and the green transition, through conferences, workshops, open discussions, debates, but also some alternative and more dynamic activity to create a stimulating environment: role-playing games, creative LAB, cinema-open forums, geocaching, photographic tour, etc. In addition, in each of the participating cities, work groups and dissemination activities will be created at the local and regional level, which will help spread the messages generated by the network.


Minutes of event 1

Minutes of event 2

Minutes of event 3

Minutes of event 4

Minutes of event 5

Minutes of event 6

Minutes of event 7

Minutes of event 8

Dissemination Strategy



The European Green Deal offers a strategic place for youth as key agents in the ecological transition of the European Union. But in addition, the European Green Pact can be an alternative that restores the jobs and services that have been destroyed during the pandemic.

In order to grant this role to youth, the GREENUP project will work to:

  • Raise awareness and sensitize the young population about the European Green Deal and its role in the ecological transition of the EU;
  • Increase the civic responsibility of young people and their participation in issues related to the sustainable development of their cities;
  • Encourage the exchange of experiences and joint learning between the different participants from the different European cities, in order to formulate local strategies and actions on the European Green Deal and the ecological transition;
  • Contribute to disseminating and publicizing European policies on the environment and climate change at local level, with particular emphasis on young Europeans;

For this, GREENUP will be a network of European cities, based in 8 different localities, which will work for 24 months in the exchange of experiences, in the deep debate, in the reflection and in the sensitization of the European local communities and their young people, on the commitment to the European Green Pact as a response to the current social and economic crisis caused by the COVID19 pandemic.

In this sense, the activities of the GREENUP network will be implemented at the international level in each of the partner cities, through international meetings, and also at the local level, through working groups made up of local volunteers. Among the activities to be carried out will be conferences, workshops, gamification, participatory dynamics, etc.


Municipality of Tibi (Spain)

The municipality of Tibi is located on the Region of Valencia, specifically in the province of Alicante. It has an important environment areas like the Tibi’s marsh, the Monnegre river and various forests. I t has a population of 1,600 inhabitants approximately, Tibi is committed with the youngsters development and with fostering their participation through training sessions and public consultations about their needs and areas to improve in the municipality.

Regarding the situation of Tibi, the project will provide results taking into account the situation of small towns in risk of depopulation.

In the current proposal, Tibi will be coordinating and managing all the process in order to ensure the expected efficiency that all the partners practice their corresponding transnational events to bring Europe closer to youth and citizens. Tibi will make the first international meeting: the kick off meeting called “EUROPEAN GREEN DEAL AND YOU” and will support the organization of the rest of international events. It will also send delegations of Spanish participants to the rest of international meetings. Will also coordinate project dissemination in collaboration with the rest of partners.

Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo Mesto (Slovenia)

This association is an NGO and humanitarian organisation working in the area of social care and youth to contribute to achieve a more open and inclusive society promoting the values of solidarity, clean environment, participation and intercultural dialogue.

Its main experience is focused on youth, migrants, refugees, women, NEETs, sustainable development and international cooperation. The Novo Mesto Association has a wide experience in EU projects and programmes like Erasmus, H2020, URBACT, INTERREG, among others. Moreover, it coordinates the Regional NGO Centre, so this will provide to the tasks and results of the project the cooperation of other NGOs.

Novo Mesto Association will organize the second international event, named “EU AND ENVIRONMENT: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE”. will send participants to the rest of meetings and will actively contribute to the project impact and dissemination.

VisMedNet (Malta)

Over the years VisMedNet has become a household name in innovation in youth, education and career development. It has also widened its scope to social wellbeing in our living spaces and higher awareness of democratic values. This expertise was built and has contributed to several projects at a local, regional and European level with valuable partners at times as leader and as partner in others therefore carrying responsibilities in various areas such as concept development, management, sustainability strategies and content design. For further info about any of our projects please feel free to write to and we would be more than happy to explore with you further.

Municipality of Panevėžys (Lithuania)

The municipality of Panevėžys is really keen on European cooperation projects and its benefits for improving local policies and strategies. It has participated in some successful projects in the frame of the Europe for Citizens programme, where this organisation has participated as a partne in the following: “Social inclusion and youth empowerment in Panevezys and Kuldiga”; “KNOTS-Knowledge for strength”; “Town Twinning as a Channel of European Solidarity”; “Building Relationships Into a Democratic Goal of Europe”; “SolidaritY iN Europe Rebuilds Global Youth”; “ForYouth”; “Youth For Europe” and more.

Panevėžys is committed to involve and share its previous and current experiences related to civic participation and green transition in the project. They have the experience and know-how to organize workshops and creative projects as well as hosting and promoting events and programs to our network of stakeholders and collaborators. The municipality will made simultaneous events and will enhance local dissemination. It will organize the fourth international event, named “YOUTH AND ENVIRONMENT – WHAT ARE WE DOING?” It also will support the organization of the rest of international events, will send participants to the rest of meetings and will actively contribute to the project impact and dissemination.

Comune di Messina (Italy)

The metropolitan city of Messina (in Italian, città metropolitana di Messina) is an Italian local authority in the region of Sicily, in island Italy. It has an estimated population, as of the end of October 2021, of 601,281 inhabitants. Its capital is the city of Messina. Since 4 August 2015 it has replaced the province of Messina. It has an area of 3,266.12 km². There are 108 municipalities in the metropolitan city. Apart from the capital, Messina, other notable towns and points of interest are Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, Milazzo, the Aeolian Islands (Unesco World Heritage Site), Tindaris, Taormina and Capo d’Orlando. Messina was the departure town of the Almogavars in 1302.

Westpannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd (representing the Municipality of Halászi – Hungary)

This non profit public company has a wide experience in national and transnational projects in the Western Transdanubia since 2011, and its work is focused on sustainable regional development through partnerships and networks in its international projects. With these results, they implement initiatives addressed to various current challenges, supporting local communities, government institutions, regional ministries and enterprises.

The main topics of the this entity are sustainable transport, economy, innovation, local and regional development, promotion of partnerships among companies. Has a wide experience in EU programmes highlighting INTERREG. Westpannon Nonprofit Ltd will be responsible for organising the sixth international event named “NGOs, VOLUNTEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION” in Hungary involving directly at least 50 participants and indirectly more than 3200. Westpannon will create a local working group in Hungary with young people and civil organisations on the project topic and will also ensure the dissemination of the project in Hungary.

Westpannon will participate on the events organised by the other partners

Municipality of Kallithea (Greece)

Kallithea is a city, a suburb in Athens agglomeration and a municipality in south Athens regional unit. It is the eighth largest municipality in Greece (96,118 inhabitants, 2021 census) and the fourth biggest in the Athens urban area. Additionally, it is the 2nd most densely populated municipality in Greece and one of the most densely populated cities in the world.

“Todor Kableshkov” University of Transport, representing the Municipality of Sofia (Bulgaria)

This public higher education institution has most of its educational programmes in the top 5 among the universities of Bulgaria and has a wide experience in the analysis and promotion of policies in the transport and infrastructures sector, innovative technologies, and exchange of best practices.

Moreover, this partner will ensure an adequate support in the upgrading and development of new information instruments, provide the current information to other partners, and to improve the capacity building tasks. Likewise, will provide a scientific approach to the topic of the project and will contribute in this way to the preparation of documents, results, and further appliances of these works.

Also has a wide expertise managing and participating indifferent projects, highlighting the ones of the following programmes: Erasmus, European Social Fund actions, and national programmes. This experience will actively contribute to all project activities and results.